Hi, to put it bluntly my girlfriend's life has been ruined because of her sister, and to an extent our relationship has too. My girlfriend suffered from severe depression at the age of around 14, and her elder sister (older by about 3-4 years I believe) made her feel even worse by calling her fat, ugly and dumb. Because of this, my girlfriend ended up becoming borderline anorexic and truly believed she was them things. We got together when she was about 17 (although I had known her since she has 14), and she slowly started to get more confident in herself and she was climbing towards an ideal weight. Problem is, she still thinks she's ugly and dumb, despite what everyone (bar her sister) tells her. This has had a huge effect on her life, and she's now scared to get a job or go to college, despite her enjoying hair styling and being excellent at it.
It's impossible to fit in all the things her sister has done to hurt my girlfriend, but trust me in that there's been a damn lot. She also has 2 children, and I've been told some sickening things she says to her children. She encourages her 3 year old child to steal from shops, and even her asked him if his (step)father has 'fingered his bum'(!). She's what I'd describe as a total chav - she steals from pound shops and thinks she's a gangster, and she always talks about people behind my back, including talking about me and how I shouldn't be with my girlfriend because I'm basically a 'nerd' because I'm a computer student.
I avoid seeing her sister at all costs, and when she's over I simply don't acknowledge her, because I've known from experience that she's a complete attention whore. She's also hideously jealous of people, even to the point of being jealous that my girlfriend has smaller wrists than her.
Anyway, rather than bore you all to death with details, I'll get to the point. She's damaged my girlfriend so much, and it really kills me that she thinks she's so ugly and horrible when I know she's georgous, and so does the rest of her family. She's totally two faced, and badmouths everyone (including my family and myself) behind their backs, but to their faces puts on a front and acts like she's nice as pie. Noone in her family will confront her about this, and her mother is actually scared of her own daughter (that was from her mouth as well). Thing is, I'm not in the slightest!
So, guys/girls, if your partners sibling did this to them and also to you and others, how would you deal with it? Would you confront them, and how would you do it?
Thanks!How to deal with this situation?
It sounds to me, that she has a mental problem. Maybe she develped into it, from all of the depression and such. But as your boyfriend, i would somehow reccomend her to see someone about it, maybe a therapist or a class.
It normal now a days for people to go to things like that. maybe even go to a classs with her. But it sounds like she needs serious help, not in a mean way or anything. Everyone could use a bit of therapy here and there.
As your her boyfriend, i would jsut try to stay there for her, and to support here.
I hope i helped, and i know taht therepy and such sounds extream, but i really think she needs it. She sounds like shes had a rough life, and needs to vent a bit and get her emotions straight with a doctor.
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