Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can i stop being so shy? and get a life !!?

i'm nearly 18 and live a boring and dull life. All week i stay home playing online games and help out with the house. except for saturdays, in which we go swimming and my only friend who has recently started getting really annoying has little respect for me at all. =(

I'm really shy as it comes to talking to people and also being job shy is preventing me from earning my way in life. i really wouldnt mind a job to meet new people and get some money. My last girl friend was at school when i was 15 who was actually pretty. she dumped me =( ..but now i'm really lonely i never talk to any girls my age. I really need to boost my self-asteem and stop living this lonely nerdy life in which i live through everyday (except for saturdays lol). when i hit 18 i get 拢3,500 which is from a court settlement..maybe this can help me in life ??

comment/advise how i could become more confident and have the will power to get a job. all feedback appreciated. msn is can i stop being so shy? and get a life !!?
You just have to get out there - I have anxiety disorder and suffer with depression some. It hits me when I have to be out in public like when shopping or working. I have to do it so I just get out there and do it. You can talk to your doctor about it, or just find another friend - especially if the one you have is really annoying you. Good luck and I hope this helps ya.How can i stop being so shy? and get a life !!?
get a skateboard.... go ride.. F@#$ the rest...
Sounds like a pretty good life to me. I was much the same way. I was shy and never even kissed a girl until I was 18. After that, I hit a pretty good streak. I went to college and didn't meet anyone there that was worth hanging out with. I signed up at an online dating site and met dozens of hot girls. I had several dates a week. It helped boost my confidence and took away the awkwardness of meeting people in public. You just put up your profile and wait for e-mails to come in. Migt be something to consider.
Read Neil Strauss' book ';The Game';. I don't recommend following it like a bible, but it might give you some inspiration.
Callum, the very fact that you publicly asked for help shows me you only think your shy to protect yourself from getting change your life to where you want to be in it you need to do some self inventory, change the way you think about things and be open to do anything necessary to change...your the only one who can do it...even when it is something that is scary to it..what have you got to loose..just a life you do not lets begin...

first lets take a look at the reasons behind your shyness...why are you shy...what is it that you dont like about yourself that you feel others would reject if they knew about it?

You need to realize some facts to begin to change...

1. what you give your attention to grows...think only good thoughts

2. no play...quit giving a stage to the shyness and defeat.

3. do not have a ';all or nothing'; attitude about yourself or life.

4. The human brain excepts any thoughts continusly fed to it as true within 90 it is real or not....

5....the brain is like a cant plant tomatoes and get corn...cant plant negative and get postitve....

6. What other people think about you is none of your business...let me explain...they couldnt possibly know you well enough to judge you properly so therefore it is only a unqualified oppinion on their part and not the truth...

7. There will always be greater and lesser people than yourself...but you are totally unique in this life...which should make your realize your being shy is only a protective device and not real...

To change your life you need to look at it in a whole new way...including your self esteem. There are some ways to do this..such as playing games with yourself to learn about yourself thru anothers eyes....What if you were a alien come to earth to study one at your room, your house your family...every little detail as if you dont know who is there...what do you see? get yourself a pad of paper that no one will see but you...write down your ';report'; on this person...likes and dislikes? What they eat, drink, wear, watch, do, want, laugh at, cry at, what they love, hate, cherish...what does this life show you from this person? Now sit down and get comfortable and write out: 10 things I love about me, 10 things I would change about me, 10 things I love to do, 10 things I want to be when I get older, 10 things I used to love to do when I was little, 10 things I want to have when I get older, 10 things I have done I am proud of? 10 things I would do if I were not shy? 10 things that would make me get over being shy? and any other ways you can think of to explore yourself...when you are done with it all...look at it...see any patterns? see any reasons for being shy? Realize the only reason you are still shy is because you hold onto it for protection...but even being shy your not protecting have created a prison that can have no vistitors...your are doing the opposite of what you want to do. You become the walking dead if it is to remain. Realize you can do anything your mind sets to doing if you really want to regardless of the label you have put on yourself, yes it might be scary at first..but so what...getting to where you want to be is worth it right? The Money will help you feel better for a few moments, but when it is gone your right back to you...unless change you. Buy the things that will make you feel better about yourself, change what you can, and learn to accept what you cant. Buy some nice clothes,even for around the house..get a new look, there is an old saying...when in doubt...shout...until you become stable in who you are...act...act as if you are someone who is confident, sauve..good at what they do..go watch movies of the people you want to be like and watch them closely, mimic what they do until you feel comfortable acting that way...dont let anyone judge you.. see #6 above.

as far as a job, write down 10 things you love to do and find a job that can incorporate them or some of them..then again pretend your are confident and able and go get the job...act the way you want to feel and the universe will do the rest...a great website for finding out about yourself and attracting what you want in your life to you is all of it and get the emails coming to you daily that inspire you from some of the great teachers there. go to the secret gifts and scroll down to the women on the grass and play it saying it out loud to yourself everyday until you truely believe it...if you are will have a whole new adventruous life ahead of yourself the chance to have to be brave...determined and want it bad enough...hope it helps...

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