Well all sins can be forgiven. They say Gays go to Hell, well it says Liars do too, and if thats the case, Thank God for Jesus cause we'd all be screwed in that scenario. As long as you dont act on your impulses, or at least try not too, I'm sure your fine. Jesus loves us all, no matter what. It says that alot yet people still find it hard to belive lol.I'm a christian, but bisexual?
Go with what makes you happy! Being bi doesn't hurt anyone.
as a christian you are required to obey God. he has made it clear in his Word that he finds this behavior wrong . Jesus himself said you cannot serve two masters, you will have to choose between your Lord and your Lusts, choose wisely and think of eternity.
I am christian and bisexual and my faith doesn't affect my sexuality at all cause i know it something i cannot change. They're alot of things the bible say is wrong and dont base all your morals on what leviticus cause the rituals and rules in that book are insane and outdated. If we followed what the old testament said we would all be sinners and stonned to death. Your sexuality is part of who you are and you know you cant change that, as long as you fully accept god into your heart then everything else will take its place and be just fine
god still loves you, there no where in the new testement where jesus the song of god aka god in the flesh says he hates gays. so f$#k the hatters he loves you and will always be there for you
2 points
There are tons of gay Christians. Look into it.
I can't tell you more than that.
You'll pick the right decision in time.
As a Christian, I feel that G-d made everybody exactly how they are supposed to be. If it feels wrong, something is wrong, simple as that. If it felt right and you were upset because you felt conflicted in some way, that's different.
No one or nothing else can define your relationship with god other than you. The bible is a guide for living. I have never accepted it as literal. If I did I would go crazy because let's face it if you read before and after homosexuality is condemned it makes some ridiculous claims IMO. I mean would you really kill someone for eating shellfish or for rotating their crops?? Pray and look for answers and keep god in your heart that is what is important.
Well, in that case, you're no different than any other Christian. Don't listen to the propaganda. Logic explains that if God is real and he actually created you, then he made you bisexual. In that case, it's not ';wrong'; to be what God made you.
I completely agree with most people that answered. You don't have to choose between who you love and what faith you follow. You can be both spiritual and bi or homo-sexual! Don't believe anyone that tells you otherwise because you have full control of your own soul and you know in your heart what feels right.
I'm not sure what denomination you consider yourself but there are tons of groups out there ready and willing to be completely supportive.
Catholic - http://www.dignityusa.org/
Lutheran - http://www.lcna.org/
Methodist - http://www.umaffirm.org/
Non-Denominational - http://www.mccchurch.org
And there's many more out there if you want to google them. Good luck!
The few references in the Bible largely refer to completely unequal relationships, things like ';if a man lies with a man AS WITH A WOMAN';, which in that time would have been interpreted more or less as rape, or at the very least complete domination of the ';woman';. There is absolutely no mention in the Bible of a modern homosexual relationship in which two equal partners who love each other live with each other.
It is certainly the case that there is absolutely no choice in being homosexual. So you pretty much have to ask yourself whether or not God deliberately made you in such a way that you could never feel sexual or emotional fulfillment without sinning. Does that sound like the loving God that you worship?
Now, I don't know how old you are. If you're under 16, I always tell everyone that they should wait. Get to know yourself, your body, and your desires a little better before you start labelling yourself willy-nilly. But if you are gay/bisexual, there's nothing you can do about it.
Finally, if you are genuinely concerned about sinning, if you don't accept what I've said above about equal homosexual relationships, and you are really bisexual, I would simply not act on your homosexual desires. There is nothing wrong with only going out with boys if you feel that your religion proscribes going out with girls. But don't force yourself to go out with boys if you don't want to - it's not healthy. You'd rather modify your beliefs now than wait twenty years and THEN throw them away.
It's okay to picture yourself with a girl, but God does not want you to act on it. The bible is clear about it stance on homosexuality. It's clearly one of the most look down upon sins in the bible. Especially since you know it's wrong. If there a God he omnipotent. He can't be fooled and it's hilarious how Christians think they can just do what they want and ask for forgiveness when they premeditate the sin all the way down to forgiveness. It's funny how LGBT christian think to me. If there is a God he the most counter-productive being ever. He hate homosexuality yet he make homosexuals. IF he doesn't hate homosexual then the Bible is wrong. IF the bible is wrong then how to get to heaven is totally up to each person interpretation and that would just be what they want it to be. It would no longer be the Christian God, it will be your own Personal God. Either you beleive in the Christian bible or your not a Christian.
Personally live your life, because it's all some BS anyway. Just either follow your religion or not. Don't think you can have your cake and eat it too.
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