Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How would i get rid of my depression?

Im 15 years old and I met this girl. I loved her so much she ment everything to me, I thought about her every day non stop. Today during school she broke up with me for something she wont tell me. I've been crying sence then and can't stop. I have a feeling i'll be depressed for a while. What should I do to overcome my depression? :(How would i get rid of my depression?
Try to find another girl. That is the best solution, even if you don`t succeed anything with this girl , the whole situation until you talk to her and everything will make you forget the other girl. The reason why she left you is propably another boy that`s why she doesn`t want to tell you because she doesn`t want you to make you feel bad. But she can`t see that it`s a bigger harm if you see her with someone else. But as I told you the best way is to start doing something with another girl, doesn`t have to be the hottest girl or something just find a girl to talk with who might be able to listen and enjoy each others company.How would i get rid of my depression?
Give it time. You may think it won't, but eventually you will start to feel a little better. In time you will be ready to meet someone else. I know it hurts like hell, but that's the way it is. This is life. Try to give it a place in your mind, resist the urge to poison the happy memories with anger, sorrow or self-pity. Don't hate yourself and don't hate her either.

The first girl you loved will always be special to you, but there will be someone else. Trust me! And you know what? This experience will make you grow as a man and whatever it is that went wrong, you are less likely to see it happening again in your next relationship.

Suck it up mate, you can do it. Best of luck!

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